A Time and Season for Everything

Anyone who knows anything about me, probably knows that winter is something I don't get too psyched about to say the least... A month or two is fine. A white snowy Christmas is great, grand, wonderful, bring it on. But come January 1st, I'm about ready to break out the shorts and flip flops and bask in the sun again. January thru April seem to drag as the dark night creeps in during the late afternoon and frozen air blows and grey skies linger like an annoying neighbor who won't go away. (not that I have any of those) :)

Since marrying into the Krebs family and learning that winter is their FAVORITE season, I have tried to adapt to the cold a little more, grin and bare it the best I can and pretend I'm having the time of my life bundled up in negative 20 degrees on the top of a blustery bone freezing, toe numbing, frosty mountain. But despite me and Dev's differences in temperature and season preferences, I've decided that I am officially going to soak in the season this year and truly, whole heartedly enjoy it. I'm not going to just bite the bullet or eat grimey gofer gut sandwiches and wallow in my own pitty. I have come to the profound but I'm sure to most of you, obvious conclusion that much of the experiences of life are about attitude and perspective.

I was reminded of that great lesson recently on my trip out to Tennessee where I chose to dwell on my seperation from Devon and the boys and as a result, wasn't able to live in the moment or appreciate the opportunities I had to bond with other family, equally loved and cherished. But with that learning, I also learned that life is for learning and I can decide to beat myself up over regret or change my outlook to encourage a brighter outcome next time I am in a similiar uncomfortable situation... like winter!

I think one thing that helps me to face the weather so frightful, a little more delightful this time around, is knowing that I have made a very concious and well thought out decision to live in Utah. Dev and I have looked at out of state possiblities quite a few times, and although I hope we will still have some moving adventures ahead, we decided that living right here right now is the right thing to do. And with that comes countless benefits like closeness to family and friends, tall rugged breathtaking mountains, amazing rock climbing, endless hiking trails, mountain biking (my new fascination), sweet fresh canyons to run up, big muddy lakes to boat on, slot canyons to repel and explore, top of the line resorts to ski on and the list goes on for the outdoor enthusiats we have become.

Of all the places I have been and areas we have considered living, nothing has been comparable to God's great masterpiece of Maple mountain, Needle Peak, Timp, Nebo, Lone Peak and all the other nameless peaks just as spectacular. There are some intriguing things that attract me to living out of state, but I am also pretty attached to my mountains and family here in Utah and if it really came down to making a decision to stay or go, I think the weight in value of those two cherished blessings would probably outweigh anything attempting to pull me away from this place. And so with such incredible gifts I've been given in this quiet valley close to the strong, protecting mountains, I will take all that this environment has to offer. The brisk, cold, but beautifully white winters along with the warm, green, liberating summers.

There is a blessing to be found in every season of life... literal seasons and spiritual seasons...with all the highs and lows of being fully human, vunerable and exposed. And just like the cool, snowy breeze of the season ahead might bring with it a little opposition in my world, it is comparable to any other storm in life... The storm itself is not a negative thing. Instead it is an opportunity for me to create something good or bad. God waits to see if I will thank Him for His glory, see the "beauty of the beast," and praise His name for chances to learn and grow or if I will choose to focus on the storm and block out the light and peace He has to offer. There is a time and season for everything and now is the time to choose to see more, love more, give thanks more, and turn that thanks into giving more of ourselves for all that we have been given.


  1. Thanks for this, Crys. I'm trying to enjoy the season I'm in now even during hard times and times when I miss family and friends so much. It's so easy to look to the future and dream of "better times." I need to be more grateful!

    Love ya!

  2. Is it cold a lot there? It seems like it would be. When are you guys headed back this direction? Any plans to visit for Christmas? I just looked at your blog and it is SO cute! I need to get some tips on how to blog from a pro like yourself!

  3. haha, I'm not really a pro, but thanks! Yep, it's pretty cold here. I pulled out the winter coats a few days ago. Mostly it just rains a lot and even on days when it's sunny the air is pretty cool.

    I don't know when we'll be back again. :( Nope, we sadly won't be there for Christmas. We may be here for another year or so...we don't really know for sure at this point.

    I love seeing pics of you guys and hearing how you are doing. Keep the posts coming! :)

  4. B and I just enjoyed this very much. We also liked the link we found to view your pictures. Your kids are our favorite little people in the world I think.
    You are a fantastic writer! We will definitely be blog stalking you! I wanted to say that it's great that you made that decision to look at the positive things about where you live. For the many years I have lived in Wyoming, I have liked it enough to stay, and great things have come out of it, but I always had this feeling in the back of my mind that I would move back to Utah where I "belong" or something stupid. I think this was a mental stumbling block for me that was preventing me from jumping in with both feet in my Job, friendships, church calling, school, etc. I think I was waiting to live. Anyway, this is getting long, and very self-revealing... So- long story short, we are doing better than ever, we love Riverton Wyoming, and we will be here until we leave, and don't have any plans to move anytime soon.
    We should never let our surroundings effect our happiness. I think happiness comes from within. As Dan Potthast, lead singer of MU330 wrote: "if you want music make it. If you want art go paint it. If you need oxygen to breath, plant a seed and grow a tree." haha!

    -Matt Wright

  5. Yea! I get to be the proud mom, mom-in-law and grandma to these beautiful, wonderful people! Thanks for blessing my life you Krebsters!

  6. Thanks Matt! I know what you mean with the whole "waiting to live" kind of feeling. I'm glad you guys are content in Wyoming though. I'm sure that's where you need to be. I'm also sure you have a lot of friends here that make it hard since we all love you guys so much and just want you here 24-7, but I respect you for following the direction you've received. The blessings will come for it and then you'll look back one day and be like "Oh that's why we stayed here in WY." Anyway, you can blog stalk us all you want and thanks for the Dan Potthast quote. I'll have to hang that one on the wall! :)

  7. And thanks Momma for always bein so nice and complimenting us... we're really not that cool though. But anything cool about me is because of being raised by a sweet as heck mom such as yourself!
